Busy, Busy, Busy

So, clearly, I’m not exactly the best or most consistent blogger ever. I’ll definitely be working on that. I can’t post everyday, but I’ll do everything I can to post a little more regularly.

I’ve been very busy the past couple of weeks.

I’m taking a math class (yuck) so that takes up a lot of my time. On Saturday, July 12, I threw a surprise 21st birthday party for my boyfriend (best friend in the whole world), so that Friday and Saturday I was pretty busy. Then the following Wednesday was his actual 21st, so we went out with his family to a Mexican restaurant called El Maguey, where he had some of his first drinks. He really didn’t like any of them, which was kind of entertaining, so his dad finished one of his drinks, and well, that was even more entertaining. I ended up having to drive everyone back home in his mom’s car, which was quite the (loud) adventure. It was a very fun and pretty interesting night. His birthday present from his parents was tickets to the Cardinals game that Friday, so all of us went, which was a lot of fun (I LOVE BASEBALL FYI), except for all the driving and traffic and not knowing where I was going and stuff.

Also last week, my friend’s (BRITISH) boyfriend came in from London. She has been waiting for this all summer, so it was incredibly exciting when he finally got here. We went on a completely necessary double date to Waffle House (so classy) and it was a ton of fun. Her boyfriend is very funny, especially to people like me and my boyfriend who laugh at almost everything. My friend and her boyfriend are now on a really fun all American road trip (jealous).

I feel like a lot more has been going on, but because I’ve been so busy and running around so much, I’m probably forgetting some things.

I’ll try to post again soon! I have my math final on Monday (which I should be studying for), so after that, I should have a little more time to post. If any of you have any suggestions for posts you would like to see, just let me know in the comments. 🙂 

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